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Van Meter and Son Lures

"Calling the Wild"

Est. 2007

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Van Meter Blog

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Josh Schultze

Faithful Van Meter and Son Lures customer Josh Schultze harvest this monster buck while utilizing Van Meter and Son Ole #11 on a drag and misting RidgeTop Buck-N-Rut into his bedding area. 

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Griffin Walerczak

Griffin Walerczak harvested this great public land buck while utilizing Van Meter and Son Lures "Doe In Heat" as the buck cruised by the downwind side of Griffin's tree stand.


Jason Van Meter

Jason Van Meter harvested this mature buck on November 15th, 2023 using 50/50 and both the Van Meter and Son Doe Bleat and Grunt calls.


Ryan Reay

Ryan Reay harvested this awesome buck of a lifetime utilizing Van Meter and Son Lures "No Scent" and our ever popular "Ole #11"

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